SiME– System Innovation for Mobility and Energy in the Metropolis
The implementation of integrated system innovations in the mobility and energy sector falls short of expectations. During the on-site transformation of energy and mobility systems, one does not succeed in considering market conditions and specific value chain configurations, ecological and social challenges, individual usage patterns, latest know-how and newly-developed technologies as well as the general political and regulatory framework. Yet, incremental innovations do not contribute to achieving the mobility and energy revolution. Therefore, the system-oriented innovation process for energetic and mobility-oriented reconstruction of the metropolis itself serves as research object in “SiME”.
Against the background of stagnating innovation success, risky implementation barriers and allegedly plausible alternatives to radical innovation, “SiME” aims at enabling better orientation towards a functional energy and mobility system as well as a broader understanding of the barriers and implementation risks for such a system with a high level of innovation, at developing instruments in this field and at systematically testing them in an explorative process in metropolitan regions.

In this way, the success rate of planned projects in RuhrValley will be increased and new projects that fill the gaps in the regional innovation system will be generated. At the same time, scientific stimuli for the connection of analytical innovation research and systems engineering will be provided. All in all, this results in a common innovation and development method of the RuhrValley as a new approach to the development of metropolitan mobility and energy systems. This integrative and cross-sector approach serves as the basis for common methods and the shared understanding to universities and companies that cooperate in the RuhrValley and that create technology and value chains in this way.
On the basis of document analyses and explorative expert discussions, one initially attempts to map the structures and processes of metropolitan innovation systems in the metropolis with regard to energy supply and mobility. In a second step, development paths are to be outlined with scenario technology at the example of the metropolis Ruhr. Afterwards, barriers in the case study are analysed and methods and instruments of systems engineering are improved. The results can be displayed with the help of the new approach as concrete use cases for future “socio-cyber” mobility and energy systems of the region, from which one can also deduce technical system models and concrete measures for the improvement of the overall socio-technical system.
Project information:
SiME is part of the FH Network “RuhrValley – Mobility and Energy Systems for Metropolitan Change” and is going to be dealt with by a consortium from the Ruhr as of 1 July 2017 under the funding code 03FH0M12IA within the framework of the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research “Strong Fachhochschulen – A Stimulus for the Region (FH Stimulus)”. For this project, the Institute for Innovation Research and Management (ifi) at the Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen, the Institute for Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL) at the Fachhochschule Dortmund and the Smart Mechatronics GmbH have joined together in a research association.
Torben Lippmann, Phone: +49 (0) 234 915923-0, E-Mail: torben.lippmann(at)ifi-ge.de
Stefanie Bengfort, Phone: +49 (0) 234 915923-55, E-Mail: stefanie.bengfort(at)ifi-ge.de
Minela Balic, Phone: +49 (0) 234 915923-58, E-Mail: minela.balic(at)ifi-ge.de
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