
connect.emscherlippe/Futurework – Development of a living lab for the future of digitally supported creative work in the Emscher-Lippe region

The joint project connect.emscherlippe/smart is a strategic research development and innovation initiative at Westfälische Hochschule in order to generate new impulses for the smart region Emscher-Lippe in several sub-projects together with partners of the region's economy and society.

One of the central challenges on the way to becoming a smart region is to strengthen and promote local players in the cultural and creative industries, which is increasingly important as innovative source of inspiration and a major cross-cutting sector in a digitized economy. Against this background, the subproject “/futurework” is developing integrated living and work space concepts to promote and further design collaborative and digitally supported creative processes. For this purpose, an experimental laboratory is being created in the Gelsenkirchen artist settlement Halfmannshof under the direction of the research field “Human-Computer-Interaction” of the Westfälische Hochschule. Spatial digital work tools are to be implemented and as seamlessly as possible adapted to the specific usage contexts of the creative professionals and knowledge workers resident there. The project team members of the Institute for Innovation Research and Management (ifi) support and provide guidance for research activities in this experimental laboratory (living lab). In parallel, they develop marketable business model approaches to enable sustainable management of the emerging integrated living and working environment. Furthermore, the project aims to transfer the developed space use concepts to comparable facilities in the region.


Toni Reichert
Phone: +49 (0) 234 915923-58
E-Mail: toni.reichert(at)ifi-ge.de

For more information please see:


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Project number:                         

Duration: July 2018 –  June 2021

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