
connect.emscherlippe/Digibusiness – Digital Business Models for the Transformation to a Smart Region

The joint project connect.emscherlippe/smart is a strategic research development and innovation initiative at Westfälische Hochschule in order to generate new impulses for the smart region Emscher-Lippe in several sub-projects together with partners of the region's economy and society.

The design options of digital business models for players in the Emscher-Lippe region represent a challenge on the way to the smart region. Especially the development of digital business models in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) for products and services can be an important stimulus for the transformation of the region, but it is currently still being pushed in a too low degree. This is where sub-project “/digibusiness” comes in by helping companies to develop new digital business models. In a first step, the field of digital business models will be explored through literature research, best practices and interviews with digital pioneers in the region. The processing and typing of the found digital business model patterns serve to make tangible the implementation potential of digital solutions in the region. A suitable information and selection tool is being developed to support the choice of digital business model samples. It will provide regional SME with easier access to relevant information on the technological and social digitization trends, enabling them to adapt their business models to the new demands of digital transformation in the region.


Julia Esslinger
Phone: +49 (0) 234 915923-55
E-Mail: julia.esslinger(at)ifi-ge.de

For further information please see:


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Project number:

Duration: July 2018 – June 2021


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